Issue #50 Shameless Feminists!

Shameless Feminists: World War 3 Illustrated #50 A note from the editors:
Feminism is back, and it’s hot. We have never been so strong, so free, so powerful, and we are under attack. We are breaking glass ceilings, and picking the shards from our eyes. After nearly a century of suffrage, we find ourselves ruled over by the most brazen groper-in-chief in modern history. In response, we assert our rights, our images, our narratives, and we shame our attackers. Survivors are refusing to be shamed for the abuse others have perpetrated upon us. When we tell our stories, we send shame back where it belongs. They may not believe us, but we believe in each other. It’s not just about getting women into high places (but we’re all for that) it’s that respect is a human right that is gender-neutral.
The editors asked artists for their angry, hopeful, untold, and unbelievable stories. We received beauty, guts, truth, and defiance. A slight majority of our contributors are veterans of World War 3. Almost half are new to our pages, and a couple are having their print debuts. Welcome! We have a couple of art students, a couple of grandmothers, a couple of non-binary artists, and yes, a couple of guys. We are teachers, nurses, protesters, and activists. We are still mostly from around New York City, but our national reach extends to Baltimore, Chicago, Easton PA, Gainesville FL, Madison WI, Portland OR, and San Francisco. Going global with artists from Indonesia, Italy, Holland, and Spain.
WW3 has sought out feminist art ever since this editor was invited to create her first comics for issue #3. Happily, the woman cartoonist is not such a rare beast as she was in the 1980s. We now recognize gender as more fluid, more nuanced than we did when we first published a “women’s issue”. Now, bigger and madder (is that possible?) than previous female dominated issues: Herstories, from 1992; Female Complaints in 1999; and Bitchcraft of 2000, we offer you Shameless Feminists.
Issue #50 editors: Isabella Bannerman, Sandy Jimenez, Sabrina Jones, Rebecca Migdal.
192 pages, black and white with color covers, 7 by 9 inches, perfect bound.